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Production of medals

We summarise the first half of 2022 at Modern Forms

Modern Forms team during the celebrations

Do you like summaries and statements?  We do!  They make it easier for us to see at what pace we are moving towards our goals, how we are growing stronger and how many baby steps are already behind us. If you are curious about what has been going on with us over the past six months, then you are invited to a summary of the first six months of 2022 at Modern Forms.

Modern Forms (January-June 2022)

we are going from strength to strength! In the first half of 2022, you ordered almost 60% more Modern Forms products than the year before. Medals and trophies took the lion's share of the orders, but we don't stop there and are happy to fulfil orders for key rings, bottle openers, medal hangers and many, many more products. Thank you to all our clients, because of you we can grow!

May 2022 was a month in which we fulfilled a record number of orders. We are delighted that so many organisers of small and larger events (mainly sports) have used our products.

we are hiring! Since January, 8 new employees have joined the ranks of Modern Forms. Our team is a real mix of generations - the oldest employee is 62 and the youngest is 23.

In the first half of 2022, we sent a great deal of packages to customers from all over the world. The furthest destination for our products is the picturesque island of Aruba in the Caribbean Sea.

Events, trade fairs, conferences…

  • Once again, we have become a strategic sponsor of the PUT Pogórze Ultra Trail run, which takes place along our native Subcarpathian trails. We have prepared amazing medals and trophies for the participants and winners. 
  • We took part in the Remadays trade fair in Warsaw, where we received an award for the best product catalogue, and The Run Show in Chicago. In addition to a suitcase of ideas, we also brought back an autograph from Carl Lewis himself.

A bit of Modern Forms statistics

Every day, our sales specialist make around 20 phone calls to customers, send 30 emails and... travel 21 km to follow up on your orders directly in production. The title of the best salesman in the first half of 2022 went to Tomek, who filled the most orders, but he is still trailing Iwonka and Alicja. The girls will certainly not give up in the second half of the year. We are keeping our fingers crossed for them!

We are opening up to new markets - the Chicago fair is the first step to start working with clients from the US. Agnieszka has recently been working with us, charming event organisers from Italy with offers. We are also looking for sales specialists with other languages to make contact with our customers from all over the world.

In total, our graphic designers prepared almost 3,000 projects in the first six months of 2022, almost 500 more than in the same period in 2021! Ewelina and Anita have handed in the most projects to date. The girls (and the guys too) are working like ants to ensure that you receive your medal and trophy designs as quickly as possible.

We have produced over 200 different publications for you to get to know us better. We are thriving on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Strava and recently you can also find us on TikTok. From January to June, 3 new collections of our products were created - the business Prestige, the nature-friendly #beEco and dedicated trophies for eSports.

We’re celebrating a round work anniversary!

Peter's work anniversary at Modern Forms

In mid-July, we had a great reason to celebrate. Piotrek – head of the trophy production team celebrated his round work anniversary. Piotrek has been with us from the very beginning and has been creating beautiful awards and trophies for you on various occasions for 10 years now.


He is our company sunshine, always smiling and helpful. He not only makes sure that the products coming out of his hands are excellent – but also the good atmosphere in the team. You can always count on his help and good humour. Peter, it is an honour to work with you!

YEARS in Modern Forms